Emmanuel. It means "God with us." We hear the title mainly during the Advent and Christmas seasons as we await the remembrance of Christ's birth. The name has been special to me during Lent as well.
It is during Lent that we get to see the heart of our faith.
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Christ giving us our spiritual food.
The suffering and death of our Lord for the love of us all. It is the great example of Love.
The fear of the apostles without Him, and our building anticipation of the miraculous.
He has conquered death.
It is in Lent that we see why there is Emmanuel. Why there is "God with us". And it is Love.
Christmas to Lent takes maybe four months. He is born and, in a liturgical sense, gone so soon.
But not gone. He is never gone. That is why Lent will blossom into Easter. Because once around two thousand years ago, Emmanuel. And we remember an event that never ended.
God with Us at Advent and Christmas
God for Us at Lent and Easter
God in Us Forever after
God with Us Always
For all the seasons. For all the times. One word. Emmanuel, God with us.
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