So, Christmas is over. Back to work and everyday life, right? A baby born, now bills to pay. Let's take a look at the word Epiphany. If you remember the movie "Hook" there is a cute little exchange:
Smeed: I think I've just had an apostrophe!
Hook: I think you mean Epiphany.
Smeed: Lightning has struck my brain.
Hook: Must hurt.
Funny, but it's the, "Lightning has struck my brain." that interests me. What is the definition of Epiphany?
A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization.
All to often the Epiphany goes by with little fanfare in our lives. But really, it makes sense that it is removed from Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Christ, we sing countless carols about how He is a King. But the words don't always sink into our brains, or our hearts.
But here comes Epiphany, and lightning should strike our brains. We've just celebrated the birth of a GOD! The king of all creation has come to us as a little baby. But more than that, the Essence, the Meaning of everything is now here.
And for non Jews, a deeper meaning is present. This this how Matthew tells us that salvation is being extended outside of the Chosen People. God has sent a sign so that all may be saved. He has called wise men from a different land and said, "here is your king."
Give Epiphany a little love this year, the wise men traveled pretty far. For alot of people, they still haven't arrived.
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